Respectful children's footwear with sustainable materials - MURIS – Muris Brand
pictograma con hojas para simbolizar materiales orgánicos

We use materials that are organic, recycled and respectful towards the environment.

pictograma con hojas y huellas del pie para simbolizar una disminución de huella de CO2

Our production processes contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of our products.

pictograma con bola del mundo y flecha que simboliza economia circular

We promote and help to boost the circular economy

Against unsustainable dynamics

Over the years, the fashion industry has neglected the importance of caring for the environment and has overlooked the different options that exist to create unique pieces in a sustainable way. Continuing with this dynamic is not the option that will lead us to a more respectful future.

Leather, one of the most widely used materials for footwear manufacturing, involves around 3.8 million bovine animals in its production. This means that for every two people on the planet, one animal is slaughtered.

In addition, the leather production process involves large quantities of water and, in 90% of cases, the use of toxic products that have a direct impact on the environment.

We have taken action, do you want to join us?

If the planet had feet, it would wear Muris

More and more plant-based materials are emerging as an alternative to the conventional use of leather: from innovative materials such as pineapple leaves or seaweed, to materials based on cellular agriculture or fungi.

As production in the textile sector increases, we are faced with a situation that requires much more stringent requirements and awareness.


"We strive to be part of a change towards a more respectful and sustainable world."

Innovation, quality and respect

Longevity is achieved through a combination of quality and timelessness. Timelessness is undoubtedly a matter of making a well-structured design.

Quality, on the other hand, is achieved by taking the right measures in the production process of the pieces. This includes the quality of the raw materials, the production processes and the experience and expertise of our suppliers.

Innovation + quality + longevity



Who says that shoes are not born from fruit?

We believe in the ability to learn to make the most of those objects and materials that we mistakenly think of as disposable. Waste can also come to life and become part of stories with a sustainable outcome. That is why at Muris we have started to work with organic materials and leftovers from other production processes, such as waste from the wine industry, vegetable oils and natural fibres from agriculture.

This alternative leaves behind animal-based options, such as leather, which are a great waste of resources. It also positions us as the first brand to apply the use of plant-based materials in respectful children's footwear.

For every 2 bottles of wine produced, one bottle of grape waste is generated. Thanks to this, our products contain more than 80% organic and recycled materials.

Real sustainability involves reducing the use of resources

pictograma de una botella de plástico tachado para simbolizar "menos" plástico

Reducing the consumption of plastic waste as a corporate objective

pictograma con hojas para simbolizar materiales orgánicos

Promotion of the use of materials based on plant-based waste

pictograma de una gota para simbolizar un uso moderado de agua

Reduced use of water in the production process

Made close to go very far

Proximity is a key aspect of the Muris production chain. We have tried to keep production as close and centralized as possible. All manufacturing stages take place in Europe, mainly between Portugal and Spain.

Why Portugal? Because it is the region with a traditional textile production industry, known for its high quality and professional craftsmanship. It is also one of the countries with the highest commitment to sustainable production processes.

As we have a very close production team, it is much easier to establish a much more direct connection of trust and proximity. Therefore, this allows us to get to know how they work, to pay special attention to details and to clearly express our ideas and values.

Moreover, their proximity not only helps to reduce harmful emissions to the environment, but also enables good communication between all actors involved in the production process, which builds a lot of trust in the long run.

In addition, it is a way of ensuring that all Muris staff receive fair and safe conditions. This also includes safety standards in the production plants that ensure occupational health and safety, reduce risks and eliminate exploitation in the workplace.

Less is more

At Muris we are aware of the amount of shoes that are produced, but which, on the contrary, do not end up being sold. This dynamic ends up generating a great waste of resources and time that end up significantly damaging our planet. For this reason, one of our main objectives is to produce a reasonable number of shoes in order to avoid overproduction and stop feeding the wheel of pollution.

In addition, opting for proximity production results in a more cost-effective solution, as it involves fewer intermediaries in the supply chain. This means that this system enhances our ability to offer a fair price to our community.

Our proposal is against all behaviour that is disrespectful to both people and the environment. Actions such as burning over-produced units or not reusing remaining materials are totally out of our scope of vision.
